Homecoming Safety –
Come Home From HomeComing
Safe, Sober and Drug Free
Simple Things That Assure Safety
1. Know the Plans
- Who’s Driving- To and From- Think twice about allowing your “under-classman” child to travel and party with upper-classmen. There’s a world of developmental difference between freshmen and juniors/seniors
- Who’s Going- Names and Numbers- children’s names and cell #s and parent’s names and cell #s.
- Where and When- dinner, dance and after party locations, sequence and contact info.
- Curfew- they really don’t need to stay out all night or until all hours.
- Touch Base- text or quick calls to confirm all is well and evening is going according to plan.
- NO PLAN CHANGES without your involvement.
- Wait up to happily hear all the fun stories
2. After Party Safety
3. General Safe Practice
sight to reduce temptations and access.
Provide a Safety Net
Things to Know
Revised MIP Statute:
The Missouri Liquor Control Law (Chapter 311.325) states that if it can be shown that a minor has consumed alcohol, the minor can be charged with Minor in Possession (MIP). It is no longer necessary for possession of containers, open or otherwise, as a basis for arrest.
Local Curfew Laws
Throughout the region, it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 17 to be in a public or unsupervised place between the hours of 11 PM and 6 AM Sunday-Thursday and 12 Midnight to 6 AM Friday-Saturday, unless
accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Social Hosting Liability
Local municipalities and the state of Missouri have laws that make it illegal for adults to allow underage drinking on their property – wittingly or not.