Our Partners
Alliance For Healthy Communities’ Partners
Alliance for Healthy Communities exists as a platform for building partnerships and collaboration between partners. In the traditional sense, AHC is not an “agency” with its own agenda or services to sustain. Rather, AHC priorities and initiatives reflect consensus among community partners built upon local evidence about substance abuse, its root causes and local capacities for effective action. Our partners create the spirit and backbone of community level substance abuse prevention, providing the resources necessary to work for community changes that can reduce rates of youth substance abuse.
Featured Partner
Over the past five years, the Ballwin Police Department has been an active partner in Alliance for Healthy Communities in significant ways. During our Safe Celebrations campaigns, for Homecoming, Prom and Graduation seasons, the Ballwin Police have donated the use of electronic road signs, seen by tens of thousands of people each day, promoting safe and sober celebrations messages. Additionally, Ballwin Police provide neighborhood party patrols and participate in regional alcohol retailer compliance checks and “shoulder tap” surveillance operations. Officers in the Ballwin Police Department attend AHC monthly meetings, assist with AHC social media content and Chief Scott is on AHC’s executive board. Chief Scott and Officer Randy Ferrell have contributed significantly to the content in AHC’s 2017 and 2018 opioid town hall events. THANK YOU to the Ballwin Police Department for your deep commitment to area youth!!
Power in Partnership
Alliance for Healthy Communities exists because youth substance abuse and its consequences are problems shared by all community stakeholders. Community partners, as individuals or organizations, share in the responsibility, the commitment, the resources and the sacrifices that create the changes necessary to keep kids safe. No one individual or organization has all the answers, nor “eyes and ears” everywhere. To protect our youth from the seduction of drug and alcohol abuse, and the dire consequences at stake, it takes the shared ownership of all community members to create the safety net our kids deserve.
Who are the Partners contributing through
Alliance for Healthy Communities
It takes a diverse array of partners to help ensure a healthy community.
- Parents are the greatest source of influence in a child’s life and are the integral touch points of neighborhood and community networks.
- Parents bring intimate connection and energy to AHC’s work for community change.